Operations Manual

Vestibulum blandit, nulla porta molestie hendrerit, nibh dui ullamcorper turpis, nec facilisis elit neque sed dui. Morbi sapien metus, convallis et lacus sed, tempor imperdiet ex. Phasellus eget massa sit amet quam posuere feugiat. Integer finibus est sed massa euismo.

Sed consectetur lacus ut leo porttitor ultricies. Praesent fermentum, dui quis interdum bibendum, neque quam placerat tortor, in congue urna leo ac leo. In vel egestas eros, id tincidunt velit. Vestibulum vitae ligula in ligula sodales aliquam a id.

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lorem ipsum dolor eget massa site amet?Reveal

Vestibulum blandit, nulla porta molestie hendrerit, nibh dui ullamcorper turpis, nec facilisis elit neque sed dui. Morbi sapien metus, convallis et lacus sed, tempor imperdiet ex. Phasellus eget massa sit amet quam posuere feugiat. Integer finibus est sed massa euismo.

lorem ipsum dolor eget massa site amet?Reveal

Vestibulum blandit, nulla porta molestie hendrerit, nibh dui ullamcorper turpis, nec facilisis elit neque sed dui. Morbi sapien metus, convallis et lacus sed, tempor imperdiet ex. Phasellus eget massa sit amet quam posuere feugiat. Integer finibus est sed massa euismo.

lorem ipsum dolor eget massa site amet?Reveal

Vestibulum blandit, nulla porta molestie hendrerit, nibh dui ullamcorper turpis, nec facilisis elit neque sed dui. Morbi sapien metus, convallis et lacus sed, tempor imperdiet ex. Phasellus eget massa sit amet quam posuere feugiat. Integer finibus est sed massa euismo.


  1. I was made to feel welcome from the outset. Suffering from PTSD I was very nervous and apprehensive about attending but was given sufficient information beforehand and made comfortable from arrival. It's been one of the most rewarding courses I've done as I was able to enjoy the course and not have to worry about myself. Simon Garland-Lo

  2. Very good and helpful trainers. They understood the difference in our police role as drone operators. Kent Police

  3. Really good day with Matt and Ian. I think we all cam e away feeling far more confident with the M30T and night flying in particular. Environment Agency

  4. Clearly a very experienced instructor, calm and professional. They managed to adapt their teaching methodologies to suit the needs of each student. Kent Police

  5. Great training and very well presented, Tim was a awesome trainer and presented everything very professionally. RNLI

  6. Steve provided excellent instruction and hands on experience. The pace he adopted and calm demeanour were first rate, enhancing the confidence and learning experience for myself, enabling a successful outcome. Kent Police


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