Candidates Appeal Policy

Definition/Purpose of Appeal Procedure

The Academy’s appeals procedure is intended to provide a formal means for reviewing candidates’ examination results and is applicable to all examinations set and run by the Academy. It is not a complaint procedure but enables candidates to challenge a fail result on specific grounds (see below). All appeals will be considered by the Academy in a fair and consistent way.  

Acceptable Grounds for Appeal

An appeal will only be deemed valid for consideration when based on procedural irregularity in the conduct, or determination of the result, of the examination.  

It is important to note that appeals based on, or arising from, the following will be deemed invalid and not upheld:  

  • Academic judgement of EEI Instructors 
  • Extenuating circumstances (such as ill-health, personal issues) affecting performance  
  • Lack of candidate awareness of examination regulations and procedures  

Lodging an Appeal

The appeal must be submitted in writing within 20 working days of the publication of examination results. Appeals should be addressed to the Examinations Manager, and must include the following: 

  • Date and name of examination  
  • Grounds on which the appeal is made  
  • Supporting documentation to corroborate circumstances, if appropriate  

Appeals will be acknowledged within 10 working days. This correspondence will advise whether the appeal fulfills the criteria for convening an Appeals Panel and, if so, when that Appeals Panel will convene and when a final outcome can be expected.  

Consideration of Appeal

The Appeals Panel will consist of the Accountable manager, Head of Academy and the Chief instructor. The Appeals Panel will consider paper-based submissions only and the appellant is not required to attend the Academy in person.  

The Panel will review the appellant’s submission and follow a set, objective process which will check that no administrative, procedural, numerical, data transcription or computing errors have occurred, and that the result accurately reflects the assessment of the candidate by the EEI Instructors during the examination and results-awarding process.  

Appeal Outcomes 

Following consideration of the appeal, the Panel will reach its findings. As detailed below, it is important to note that the identification of a procedural irregularity will not automatically result in a fail result being amended to a pass. Potential appeal outcomes are likely to be as follows:  

  1. The appeal is deemed invalid and is not upheld.  
  2. The appeal is deemed valid, in that a minor procedural irregularity did occur, but that its impact is not enough to justify a change in the candidate’s examination outcome.  
  3. The appeal is deemed valid, in that a minor procedural irregularity did occur, but that there is uncertainty as to its impact on the candidate’s examination outcome. The attempt will be nullified, and the candidate will then have the opportunity to demonstrate their level of knowledge at a subsequent attempt at the examination.  
  4. The appeal is upheld, in that a major procedural irregularity did occur affecting the candidate’s score/result. Any score previously awarded to the appellant shall be appropriately corrected and, if the candidate is shown to have attained the required standard at the examination, the appellant’s result will be changed to a pass. 

In the case of 2, the appeal fee will be refunded. In cases 3 and 4, both the original examination fee and appeal fee will be refunded.  

Appellants will be notified of the outcome of their appeal, with reasons, within 10 working days of the Panel’s meeting. The decision of the Appeals Panel is final.  

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