
Equality and Diversity Policy

Eagle Eye Innovations Ltd trading as RUSTA

Policy Statement

EEI Ltd/RUSTA is committed to encouraging diversity and eliminating discrimination in both its role as an employer and as a provider of services. We aim to create a culture that respects and values each others’ differences, that promotes dignity, equality and diversity, and that encourages individuals to develop and maximise their true potential. We are committed wherever practicable to achieving and maintaining a workforce that broadly reflects the local community in which we operate. 

We strive to provide equality and fairness for all employees and in the provision of services and to ensure that we do not discriminate on the grounds of Age, Pregnancy and Maternity, Sex, Disability, Marriage and Civil Partnerships, Race, Religion or Belief, Gender Reassignment and Sexual Orientation. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. All our employees, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect. Selection for employment, promotion, training, or any other benefit will be based on skills and ability.

Our Principles

EEI Ltd/RUSTA’s commitment to Equality and Diversity is: 

  • To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all employees are recognised and valued. 
  • To create a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated. 
  • To ensure training, development and progression opportunities are available to all. 
  • To promote equality in the workplace. 
  • To regularly review all employment practices and procedures to ensure that no job applicants or staff are treated less favourably than others. 
  • To regularly review services to ensure they are accessible and appropriate to all groups within society. 
  • To treat breaches of our Equality and Diversity Policy (“the Policy”) seriously and to take disciplinary action when required. 
  • To provide information and training to all employees so that they are fully aware of the issues relating to Equality and Diversity and their responsibilities relating to them. 
  • To develop Equality Objective(s), to ensure that the Policy is fully implemented. 
  • To ensure that the Policy is fully supported by the Board of Directors. 
  • To monitor and review the Policy annually. 

This equality policy is fully supported and agreed by senior management.

Types of Unlawful Discrimination

  • Direct Discrimination: Treating one person less favourably than another because of certain protected characteristics, i.e. their race and/or gender, in any aspect of their employment, i.e. recruitment, appraisal or terms and conditions. 
  • Associated Discrimination: It is currently unlawful to discriminate against or harass someone because they are ‘linked to’ or ‘associated with’ a person who is of another sexual orientation, race, or religion or belief. The Equality Act 2010 extends this to age, disability, sex, or gender reassignment. 
  • Indirect Discrimination: Applying a requirement or condition which, whether intentionally or not, adversely affects any person, or member of a particular group, considerably more than others not of that group, and which cannot be objectively justified on any other grounds. 
  • Harassment/Bullying: Any act that makes the recipient feel intimidated, embarrassed or humiliated can amount to unlawful discrimination as defined in the relevant legislation.   
  • Sexual Harassment: Can be generally defined as unwanted, unreciprocated and unreasonable conduct or language of a sexual nature affecting the dignity of men and women at work. This is a form of direct sexual discrimination.  

Examples of sexual harassment include:  

  • unwanted physical contact;  
  • pestering, in action, word or by communication;  
  • insults or ridicule;  
  • applying pressure, by threat or inducement, for sexual favours;  
  • the display or circulation of sexually explicit material.  
  • Racial Harassment: Is any display of racial prejudice by word or conduct which is unwanted, unreasonable and offensive. This is a form of direct racial discrimination.   

Examples of racial harassment include:  

  • derogatory comments and remarks;  
  • jokes and insults which are race-related;  
  • deliberately creating poor working conditions. 
  • Victimisation: Disciplining or dismissing an individual who makes a complaint in good faith under any of the Equality Acts or this Policy, or who gives evidence in connection with proceedings brought under those Acts.  

Any member of society can find any if not all the above offensive, not just those in minority groups.  

Dealing with an Internal Equality and Diversity Issue

If a member of EEI/RUSTA staff is being treated unfairly because of a protected characteristic, or is made to feel uncomfortable by somebody’s behaviour, these are potential equality issues. There are various options available to a member of staff in order to deal with an issue. 

Assertively challenge the behaviour: This is an option available to those who feel confident enough to confront the other person, depending on the type of issue that has arisen. This would involve telling the offender that: 

  • they are not happy with the behaviour being received 
  •  how it makes them feel and that they would like it to stop 
  • they are serious and will take it further if they need  

This will give the person whose behaviour is offensive an opportunity to amend their behaviour. 

The matter should then be mentioned informally to their Line Manager, a note should be made of the action that has been taken by the individual concerned, and the situation monitored by the Line Manager. If it is a serious breach of EEI/RUSTA Equality and Diversity Policy, the Line Manager will be duty-bound to take further action. 

Tell the Line Manager/supervisor: If the member of staff does not feel confident enough to challenge the behaviour, he/she can bring the matter to the attention of their Line Manager or supervisor and ask them to deal with the behaviour. Depending on the nature of the issue, he/ she will investigate the situation and take appropriate action, initially at a local level.  

In all circumstances the outsourced HR company should be informed.  

This policy will be reviewed annually.  

Sion Owen Roberts Signed: Date: 04 February 2022 

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